Geneplus Sire out of the US.

One of the unique individuals in the history of the breed in terms of his combination of information and phenotype.

Near perfect from head to tail, his compilation of calving ease, growth, and carcass, and backed by true maternal excellence, he rivals the elite across breeds and his progeny are quickly proving out his phenotype and data.

It’s not easy to find or breed bulls of this quality – Tanker is a son of Primemover, who was the Australian top price record holder.
He leans a touch more towards Bos Indicus, but phenotypically he’s so impressive and a mirror image of his
Long and smooth, easy fleshing, plenty of volume and capacity and one of the strongest headed bulls in the draft.

Sold in 2023 for $46,000.

Used as a yearling over stud females – Very complete and correct bull suitable for Heifers – Long and smooth, great butt shape, ideal sheath design and a big scrotal. High ranking scrotal size EBV in the top 5% – At 14
months he measured 39cm, a strong indication of early puberty.

Phenotypically he would be one of the highest performing Ultrablack bulls we have bred.

He’s got a beautiful big square hip, thick butted, long as a train with so much carcase and softness.

His data matches his phenotype – Top rankings for Growth, Carcase Weight, EMA and Yield. All key profit driving traits we put a lot of emphasis on.

Safehouse is right where we aim to be in our Ultrablack program – sleek skinned, ideal sheath design, big scrotal, great structure with loads of volume and capacity.
Sold in 2023 for $65,000 – Semen Retained.

This is one hell of a ‘beef bull’ – He’s sleek skinned, optimum frame with the depth of flank to indicate his doing ability and softness.

His US bred sire, Foundation, is a real performance sire with an excellent sheath design and strong carcase traits. We love what Foundation is producing and are using 7 plus Foundation sons in our program.

Quantum is the ideal ‘Beef Bull’ – Medium framed, sleek skinned, big scrotal, weighs like lead with a great sires head, which is renowned on the Guardian progeny.

He was the high selling Ultrablack bull in our 2021 sale at $35,000. On the day of sale he was 25 months weighed 912kg, fat of 12/9mm, 44cm scrotal, IMF of 5.8% and a huge EMA of 150 square centimetres.

We use Quantum to moderate frame, improve sheath design and add that extra thickness.

Impressive Business Line son that was retained for his extra length, bone and capacity – He was always a stand out in his group.

He is stamped with the presences and extension we expect in the Business Line progeny.

Used heavily as a walking sire and also in AI – we expect the progeny to have a touch more frame, extra length and with plenty of thickness.

A second generation Ultrablack with the hip and butt shape we aim to breed in our cattle.

One of the higher ranking bulls for IMF in our 2022 sale where he sold for $38,000.

High positive Weaning Weight EBV with positive Fat Cover and Marbling. He’s a moderate boned, high yielding type that will be used in our herd to improve carcase shape without compromising on IMF.